Animals and their Cries.Onomatopoeia by this figure of speech the sound of the words is made to suggest or echo the sense.
Animals and their Cries
Animals | Cries |
Ape (लंगूर) | gibber |
Ass ( गधा ) | bray |
Bear (रीछ) | growl |
Bee (मधुमक्खी) | hum |
Bird (चिड़िया) | |
Bull (साँड़) | low; bellow |
Cat (बिल्ली) | mew |
Cattle (मवेशी) | low |
Cock (मुर्गा) | crow |
Crow (कौवा) | caw |
Dog (कुत्ता) | bark |
Dove (फाख्ता) | coo |
Elephant(हाथी) | trumpet |
Fly (मक्खी) | buzz |
Fox (लोमड़ी) | yelp |
Frog (मेढक) | croak |
Goat (बकरा, बकरी) | bleat |
Goose (कलहंस) | cackle |
Horse (घोड़ा) | neigh |
Hog (सुअर) | grunt |
Jackal (गीदड़) | howl |
Lamb (मेमना) | bleat |
Lion (शेर) | roar |
Monkey (बन्दर) | chatter |
Mouse (चूहा) | squeak |
Nightingale (बुलबुल) | warble |
Owl (उल्लू) | hoot |
Ox (बैल) | low, bellow |
Parrot (तोता) | talk |
Peacock (मोर) | scream |
Pigeon (कबूतर) | coo |
Sheep (भेड़) | bleat |
Snake (साँप) | hiss |
Sparrow (गौरैया) | chirp |
Tiger (बाघ) | roar |
Wolf (भेड़िया) | yell,howl |
Proverbs | some famous proverbs |