Dodgers are already planning to get another ace pitcher in 2023

According to Mike DiGiovanna of the Los Angeles Times, Shelby Miller wants the Los Angeles Dodgers to be the team that helps him rebuild his career. In 2023, Los Angeles

anticipates using the right-handed pitcher out of the bullpen.Although Miller's deal went unnoticed, Mark Prior and the Dodgers' propensity for getting the most out of their

pitchers augur well for him.According to reports, Shelby Miller is already collaborating with Prior and other pitching instructors with the Dodgers. Miller is reportedly

aiming to expand his pitching repertoire, according to DiGiovanna.In 2022, the Dodgers assisted in reviving the careers of Tyler Anderson and Andrew Heaney. The careers of the

two left-handers who moved to LA were not going well. However, Mark Prior and the Dodgers' pitching staff used their special skills to assist both pitchers recover.

In this offseason's free agency, Anderson and Heaney both obtained substantial deals.For Shelby Miller, it will be various. Miller is getting ready to join the Dodgers' bullpen

while Anderson and Heaney are starting pitchers. But LA has recently been successful in producing celebrities in their "pen."In only 4 games, Miller pitched for the San Francisco

Giants in 2022, compiling a 6.43 ERA. He last recorded an ERA below 4 in 2015, while he was still starting games with the Atlanta Braves. It will be interesting to see if Shelby

Miller's career can be turned around with the aid of Mark Prior and company.Miller getting back on track will have a significant positive impact on LA's bullpen.