How familiar are you with these American Halloween customs?

Some of the most common scary Halloween customs in the United States are as follows

"Trick-or-Treat":  Children eagerly anticipate Halloween so they may dress up in their favorite costumes and knock on neighbors' doors, requesting sweets with

the phrase "trick or treat." Treats are provided by homeowners, and some households even go all out with scary décor for children.

Many places around the country build up haunted houses and trails every October for the Halloween season.

There are actors dressed up in terrifying clothes,horrible music, and creepy props all in an effort to make visitors jump.

Jack-o'-lanterns/pumpkin carving: pumpkin carving is another common Halloween custom. The holiday is celebrated by gatherings of friends and family

around pumpkins carved with complex faces, decorations, or scenes and lit by candles or lights. To protect against ghosts, these Jack-o'-lanterns are placed on front steps.

Adults frequently partake in costume parties as a means of celebrating Halloween.

Interesting costumes, ranging from those of classic monsters to those of pop culture icons, are worn to themed gatherings.

Halloween is a popular time for corn mazes and hayrides to pop up in rural areas. These events are usually themed after scary or haunted things for kicks.