NFL world is sending up prayers for Terry Bradshaw on Monday

Over the past year, Bradshaw has faced numerous challenges. The future Hall of Fame quarterback has suffered through health issues, a cancer battle, and now terrible

loss of a close friend.Franco Harris, a former Steelers player, passed away suddenly this week.He was 72 years old.Bradshaw paid tribute to his lifelong friend over the weekend.

All of the NFL family is sending their thoughts and prayers to Bradshaw and the rest of Franco's grieving loved ones.

"Just a great man, great personality, big smile, great teammate... I'm going to miss him."On this Monday, the entire NFL family will be keeping Bradshaw in their thoughts.

"I'm so sad of the passing of Franco Harris. I was 18 when that happened. I couldn't believe what I was watching. It was amazing. My condolences of your friend!" a fan wrote.

"Terry I couldn’t of said it better that’s the great thing about friendship even though you don’t see each other as much as you want to pick off right where you left off even if

it was months ago !"added one fan."Im so happy they had a special night a few weeks back. This loss really stings. Prayers to everyone impacted by Franco," another fan wrote.

"It’s dusty in here . Same as it was when I first heard the news about Franco. RIP 32," added one fan.Bradshaw and Franco's other friends and family are in our thoughts.