Hariif meaning – हरीफ का मतलब | आज हम इस पोस्ट में हरीफ शब्द का मतलब जानेंगे साथ ही इसके synonyms भी जानेंगे |
na hariif-e-jaan
na shariik-e-Gam
shab-e-intizaar koyi to ho
kise bazm-e-shauq mai laa.e.n ham
koyi to ho
हरीफ का मतलब – Hariif meaning in Hindi
प्रतिद्वंद्वी, प्रतियोगी, प्रतिकूल, समर्थी, विरोधी
Hariif meaning in English
Rival, Opponent
Rival or Opponent Synonyms
Rival is a noun, it refers to a person or thing competing with another for the same objective or for superiority in the same field of activity. It can also refer to a person or thing that is in opposition to another.
- Competitor
- Opponent
- Contender
- Adversary
- Antagonist
- Match
- Challenger
- Adversary
- Opposing force
- Rivaling party
- Opposing party
- Antagonistic force
- Counterpart
- Opposing element
- Counterforce
- Antithesis
- Counterpart
- Opposite number
- Rivaling element
- Competitors in the same field
- Contending party
- antagonist.